Draft Horses

At Green Gate Farm, we have been using only draft horse power since last fall! This is a dream come true for Lars and he couldn’t be more thrilled to have May as a working team member on the farm.


Top: Lars around 10 years old driving Roy, the family’s first draft horse. Bottom: Lars recently driving May, our primary source of power in the gardens!

By using these animals for labor, we will cut back fossil fuel usage dramatically on the farm and help to close the gap in the carbon cycle. Our horses graze the pastures and eat the hay that we grow and bale ourselves. They play an active role in the day to day heavy labor jobs on the farm such as hauling equipment and supplies or working the soil. They also put nutrients back into the soil via their manure so we capture all of our soil building potential. Most importantly, they become valuable team members and a powerful bond and relationship is formed with them.



